Water Leaks

Water Leaks

A water leak is not only potentially on of the most damaging incidents that can happen to your home, but it can also be the most difficult issue to diagnose and locate. 

A water leak can present anywhere: in the yard, underneath your house, in the wall, in the ceiling, from the roof... from a water line OR a drain line. 

Our specialty is the repair. After a leak has been positively diagnosed, we locate the leak. And for those phantom leaks, we work with partners to locate the phantom leak. After location is completed, we come in and provide you with the knowledge and options you need to make an informed decision about the necessary repairs.

Leaks In The Home

Leaks in the home

Leaks in the home are some of the greatest causes of property damage. 

"When I cut open this client's wall, I found a graveyard of mice. The leak had been their watering hole. It was so sad and just gross. It took half a day just to clean the inside of the wall, before I could start on repairs." -Alex

Leaks in Yard

Leaks in the yard

Leaks in the yard often go unnoticed, until that fateful day you receive the largest water bill of your life. We are here to help.

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